
What is job research?
The fluency and the efficiency of work are still largely perceived through quantity. It is no wonder that a job search as a word is reminiscent of a consultant on duty with a stopwatch. Though time remains an important measure of fluency, job research bites deeper than the surface. It is a holistic development of working conditions, methods and processes for the best of employee well-being and workplace productivity.
Job research tools
The tool may include cameras, measurements, simulations, as well as interviews. The study of human activity and the understanding of way of working is a subtle and accurate study. An answer to the question “How smooth is the work phase?” requires an answer also e.g. what the options are, why the current model has been chosen and whether all employees are working the same way. The method used in the work survey and the adequate level of accuracy must be assessed separately for each purpose.
I know how to do my job.
A professional is always an expert in his/her own work, but we tend to believe that we are well aware of what we do and why. However, this is not always the case – things are done in the most bizarre way possible, based on path dependence, lack of planning time due to urgency and sometimes even the fear that a new idea will not be accepted.
Effect of external stimulation on work efficiency
The blind spot in our own work efficiency is not quite small: according to research, each of our working days contains about 25% unplanned disruptions. One-fifth of the workday is therefore a response to external stimulation rather than something planned.
Job research is a systematic method of development, i.e. a tool for examining and analyzing the quality, efficiency and workload of work tasks and processes. Reducing workload, such as poor ergonomics or poor resourcing, results in well-being at work and reduced costs.
Pienentämällä kuormittavuutta, esimerkiksi huonoa ergonomiaa tai väärää resursointia, saadaan lopputuloksena työhyvinvointia ja pienentyneitä kustannuksia. In common sense, one thing done carefully at a time probably takes less time than fixing things and new accomplishments, but this law does not want to stay in our minds.
Errors are also made in a hurry, resulting in a loss of materials, resources or even the use of energy.
An efficient and streamlined process is thus also the best possible solution for the work phase from an environmental point of view.
The purpose of job research is to improve the productivity of companies as well as the efficiency and ecology of operations, and thereby profitability, competitiveness and continuity of employment. At the same time, the goal is to develop the work environment, working conditions, well-being at work and work content.
In connection with development activities, efforts must be made to improve the content and productivity of meaningful, varied and developing work. This creates an opportunity for the employee to develop in his / her own position and increase their skills for new jobs.
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